CM External Connector

CM External Connector  represents the possibilities how to integrate the CUSTOMER MONITOR® system together with your current systems. Integration is supported on two levels :

1. Data transfer between CM and another, for instance economic system..

2. For a uniform design and communication canals with your customers..

Note: For common evaluation of logs from applications outside CM, use  External programs

Data transfer between CM and another, for instance economic system

- linking with economic systems simplifies invoicing, today there´s a two-way active linking with the economical software Stormware Pohoda provided.

- transfer of requests from / to another ticket system

- on request, it´s possible to create a periodic export of data defined by yourself, and also send it to a requested place (mail, webservice …)

- users with a custom CM server have the option to directly access the database for reading.

- another type of two-way communication is realized on the basis of a mutual contract, the most appropriate way are the webservices

- the CM solution supports initial import of companies (customers), operators. Customers can be automatically added / updated, if you have another support system (ERP), which is capable to regularly export the changes about customers


Uniform design and communication canals with your customers :

- integration of the main page of the CM portal (without the top and left menu) into an already existing portal, e.g. on the platform Microsoft Sharepoint or PHP. Links from the CM menu may be, in your portal, placed by your own preferences.

Selected information are available in the section How CM works - Linking CM with other systems

For more information contact our business department.


Nastavení formátu linek generovaných do emailů k požadavkůmNastavení speciální emailových notifikací příklad při změně stavu požadavkuPříklad na integrovaný systém CUSTOMER MONITOR® (C-Desk) s již existujícím portálem Sharepoint